Growing up with Baby Boomer TV Shows.

For Gen X kids, afternoon TV was not Courtroom or talk shows. There also wasn’t two or three hours of news in the afternoon. Gen X kids came home from school to two hours worth of Baby Boomer TV.

Soap Operas went off the air at 4 pm. The News came on at 6 pm. Between that time, the airwaves were filled with shows from the fifties and the sixties. Batman, Superman, The Lone Ranger, The Beverly Hillbillies, Green Acres, The Monkees, Leave it to Beaver, The Andy Giffith Show, Gilligan’s Island, Dark Shadows, Bewitched, I dream of Jeanie and the list goes on.

What was your favorite afternoon TV show? Did watching boomer TV shows help us relate to people outside of our age group better than younger generations that had their own cable channels to watch?

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